How can HIS food ministry help your Community?

Below is an outline that illustrates how we will work closely with you to solidify and strengthen

your community.

INREACH (Revival) – within the Church

1. Pastor endorsement from behind pulpit is the critical key to success.

2. Place menu/order form in church bulletin each month.

3. Explain the benefits to church membership that by purchasing a box of food will enable:

a. Body of Christ to save money

b. More resources to sow back into local church – the Kingdom of God

c. Use of savings to pay off debt (imagine a debt-free church body!)

d. Buying more food for those in need who cannot afford it.

e. More benevolence money coming to church benevolence fund.

4. Pray for and recruit volunteers; ask prospective volunteers to pray about helping out.

a. Volunteering = fulfilling The Great Commission of Jesus Christ.

b. Volunteering = sense of fulfillment; very rewarding and refreshing.

c. Volunteering = opportunity to serve the Lord while serving the church and


d. Ask every Outreach Leader in church to promote the church with HIS food


5. Body Building

a. Guidelines used to build a healthy, unified, strong body of Christ.

b. Focus on building up God’s Kingdom in last days.

OUTREACH (Evangelism) – outside the Church

Get the word out by strategically distributing printed materials:

1. Door-to-Door – subdivisions, housing authorities, senior communities etc.

a. Hand out menu flyers each month – 200, 300, 500 or more.

2. Community Centers – leave printed materials easily accessible.

3. State and local government agencies –

a. Department of Labor, Food Stamp Office, Social Security Office, Department of

Human Services, Family and Child Services etc.

4. All public/community events –

a. Represent your church through HIS food ministry, by passing out printed


5. Identify weak transportation routes –

a. Build up cities/towns on truck routes to ensure drop sites remain economically


b. Drop sites need sufficient volume = food stewardship over God’s resources.

6. Mass Media – Local TV; human and community interest stories; powerful and effective.

a. Ask people in church who might know someone at the local TV or radio station;

fostering Christian networking and encouraging reaching out to communities

through this media.

7. Mass Media – News Print Ads –

a. Local newspapers, thrift papers, Christian Service Guides etc.

b. List all local Outreach Centers in the ad

c. Insert menu flyer in the local paper along with other flyer inserts.

8. Mass Media – Radio:

a. Human interest stories

b. Human Community interest reports

c. Radio PSA’s – free public service announcements

d. Many churches own or broadcast on radio

9. Telephone Campaign –

a. Research community and generate a call list; have volunteers make calls.

10. Food Stamp Outreach –

a. Establish a relationship with local Government agencies.

11. Mass Media Mail Campaign –

a. Generate a mailing list and mail out menu flyers.